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How to Relieve Your Pet’s Anxiety - Happy Pet CBD


Summer means the kids are out of school, and it’s time for picnics, vacations, loud noises like fireworks – and anxious dogs. The summer skies can also be lit up by the natural fireworks of thunderstorms. As much fun as these activities can be for your pets, many become extremely stressed during this time of year.

Pets like their routine. If they’re used to being at home alone, all day long for nine months of the year, and suddenly your four children are home all the time, it can be an adjustment for your pets. It doesn’t mean they don’t love the kids and the company—they undoubtedly do—but it may take them a while to adjust to the change in routine so while they do, pet owners can help with various things to provide a safe space for them.

If you’re planning a vacation, and you’re anxious about travel plans and long car rides, leaving work, or paying for the trip, your pet may pick up on your anxiety and as a result experience anxiety themselves.

You may love the colorful 4th of July fireworks, but the strange smells and loud, unusual sounds are terrifying to many pets which affects their overall well-being negatively. The rumble of thunder and/or the changes in barometric pressure that often precede a storm can also unsettle your four-legged children.

But don’t worry! There are things pet parents can do to help calm your dog’s anxiety and anxious behavior.

Tips and Tricks to Calm Your Pet

Dogs and cats are individuals, so while each of your furry friends will have different needs for different types of anxiety, we’re sure one of these will do the trick:

Stay Calm Yourself
Animals pick up on their human’s emotions. Is it really the thunderstorm that’s bothering them? Or is it the fact that you’re afraid they’ll be afraid that’s got them nervous?

Play Music
Music can help calm your pet. Playing music specifically recorded with pets in mind may do the trick.

Pet Releaf CBD Hemp Oil or other supplement and anxiety medications

CBD Hemp Oil helps some pets with anxiety relief. There are other health benefits to CBD Hemp Oil too. Pet Releaf offers a variety of hemp oil drops for dogs and cats and capsules for dogs. Dog owners can also explore options including essential oils, special soft chews, calming chews, chamomile, melatonin, and calming collars to help furry friends with symptoms of anxiety and separation anxiety. Of course always be sure to consult your veterinarian regarding proper dosing.

Physical Contact
You are your pets’ best security blanket. They know that if you’re around, they’re safe. Petting them, holding them, or just sitting next to them, may help them relax when you observe signs of anxiety beginning.


If you can’t be there to physically connect with your pet, you can try the Thundershirt. Put this on your pet, and it applies a gentle, constant pressure that reassures your pet. It’s a similar theory to swaddling an infant. ThunderShirts come in a variety of colors and sizes for both dogs and cats and have been very effective to provide thunderease.

Give Your Furry Ones a “Safe Place”

Your pet should have a crate, dog bed, or someplace that is your pet’s own little haven, free from danger and excess activity. Grab a favorite dog toy to leave in your furry friend’s bed and of course a dog treat to help provide stress relief. Animals will relax when they’re in their favorite place that serves as a natural calming aid.

Summer’s a great time for fun with the whole family, including the furry members. Help keep your pets calm with love, affection and a calming treat when needed, and all of you will enjoy the summer that much more!